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Life in Travel's Newsletter #9


Dear Visitor, 

happy new year! Let's hope 2021 will kick the bad luck from 2020!


New year, old habits: we are working to share with you the most incredible bicycle itineraries, news, reviews and much more...


A Wine Divide Bike Tour? In Piedmont? Yes, it's all one could dream of! And you can read about it in the first article down below.

Secondly, one of the most important components of our beloved bicycles: the saddle. You can read about it and have an overlook on the 10 best models in the second article.

Last but not least, our nerdy Leo has developed a calculation sheet, which will help you finding your gear ratio, interesting science made simple for us mortals, in the third article. 


Thanks for your time, see you soon!


Be wild, ride free.


Life in Travel   



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Piedmont Bike Tour: by bicycle on the Wine Divide

Before this ride on the hills from Casale Monferrato and Millesimo, I didn't have a clear vision on the borders of this region. Piedmont, ok… and then? In almost a week of cycling, I got more focus. Riding this Piedmont bike tour through Langhe, Roero and Monferrato by bike we got plenty of steep...

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10 best Touring Bicycle Saddles

One of the components capable of making the difference when riding for many hours is the touring bike saddle: choosing the right one can change your comfort during long excursions or short trips. These last years I've seen a lot of people with many types of touring bicycle seats, and I had the possibility to try most of...

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Gear Ratio Calculation: bicycle gear range and rollouts

Gear ratio calculation and its development in meters (also known as roll-out), together with the gear range are often bypassed, especially by beginenrs or amateurs, when choosing the right bicycle. If you don't know what I'm talking about and you want some answers, take a look below at some information...