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Visitor, did you know about these free GPS maps websites?

Visitor, did you know about these free GPS maps websites?




Life in Travel's Newsletter #14


Dear Visitor, 

how is life going? Are you ready for this next season?  


With a bit of delay here you have some new fresh articles.


Let's start with our list of the websites where you can download GPS maps for free: we use them all the time to check new routes and plan our journeys...

Secondly, have you ever heard about Munda Biddi Trail in Australia? Cristina and his son cycled this awesome trail and in this article, they tell us about it!

Last but not least, for our inspirational corner, we discovered a moving short film about Kyle Dempster's journey through Kyrgyzstan, please enjoy it. 


This, and many more articles to read and to come on !    


Thanks for your time, see you soon!


Be wild, ride free.


Life in Travel   


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Free Garmin maps for your GPS: where and how to get them

Free Garmin maps for outdoor GPS navigators and for planning excursions on the desktop converted even those who previously relied on paper. OpenStreetMap has changed the world of online cartography, but the graphics and navigation of those maps are not always perfect. That's why several projects were born on its...

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Munda Biddi Trail: a mother-son adventure cycling Australia

The Munda Biddi Trail by bike is not an easy but very rewarding cycle path: 1000 km in nature from Mundaring (near Perth) to Albany, in the southwestern part of South Australia. Colourful flowers, lively animals, a highly organized Hut system to stay safe... a wonderful mother-son adventure by Cristina and Giacomo

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The Road From Karakol, Kyle Dempster's great journey

Some people spend a quiet life, enjoying what they meet on their way, without wanting anything more. Some end up being satisfied because aiming higher is tiring and requires incredible energy. Some others always look to the horizon trying, day after day, to reach it and don't stop until they succeed... at least a little....