Francesco G

Francesco G

ITA - Ho 33 anni e sono piemontese, anche se da qualche anno vivo e lavoro in Lombardia. Dopo un inizio da totale inesperto in questo campo, mi sono avvicinato al mondo dei cicloviaggi e della bicicletta sempre più. Oggi posso definirmi "cicloviaggiatore", e assieme all'altra mia passione - il videomaking - non mi fermerei mai! Cyclo ergo sum, pedalo quindi sono, per cercare di capire perché andare in bici sia così bello, terapeutico, ricco... E ogni volta che provo a capirlo, non ce la faccio, e sono costretto a ripartire sui pedali!

ENG - I'm from Piedmont and I'm 33 years old, I have been living and working in Lombardy for a few years. After a start without any competence in this field, I then approached the bicycle world more and more. Today I can call myself a bicycle traveller and videomaker who would never ever stop. Cyclo ergo sum, I cycle therefore I am. I ride my bike trying to understand why it is so beautiful, rich, therapeutic. And every time I try, I do not understand it. So I must leave again...

Lake Iseo, also known as Sebino, or Lake Lovere, is one of the lakes of Lombardy. Lying between the Province of Bergamo and the Province of Brescia, i ...
The evolution in transportation, the revolution of the tire and the consequent abandon of the railways, during the years, has brought to a transformat ...
There are travelers who love cycling on asphalt and others who love dirt and mud or others who prefer gravel climbs... every travel by bicycle is diff ...
The archaeological site of Machu Picchu is without any doubt the most famous and visited place in Peru. There are many ways to get to Machu ...
Also known as "the Finland of Italy" for the presence of many lakes and Alpine ponds, Trentino boasts many lake panoramas loved by German and Dutch tr ...
I've never traveled by bicycle before, but I've been attracted by those fearless bikers you sometimes cross on the road, with huge bags on their bikes ...
The last days before the departure are always tough. Organize the trip, fix your last business problems, clean the house just to have it in a minimal ...
It is one of the most underrated components of a bike. However, if we want to optimize our comfort, it is one of the most important. Let's see how man ...
Rome, Italy's capital, is a big and crowded city. Cycling safely in the streets of this Eternal City might sound utopic but, if you know the right iti ...
Among the many software that I currently use in order to plan our MTB excursions and our bicycle trips, lately, I'm mostly using Garmin BaseCamp, ...
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