
Publications and media kit Life in Travel

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lifentravel.it is one of the most important bicycle touring blog in Italy.
Born in 2007, it has grown over the years and today on its pages there are thousands of articles with information for those who love cycling, travel and mountain biking. Below you can find useful information about lifeintravel.it, what we do, the previous collaborations we have started, the publications and interviews that have seen us involved over the years, what we can offer and how you can contact us.
This doesn't want to be a self-congratulatory page but only a collection of pieces from our history that can guide you back in our journey of travellers, bloggers and photographers. We are always interested in starting collaborations with companies, tourism agencies, accommodation facilities for projects around the world of tourism and in particular the promotion of cycling, travel by bike or adventure.
We await your contact to be able to know and collaborate because man, after all, is and will always be a social animal!
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