Francesco G

Francesco G

ITA - Ho 33 anni e sono piemontese, anche se da qualche anno vivo e lavoro in Lombardia. Dopo un inizio da totale inesperto in questo campo, mi sono avvicinato al mondo dei cicloviaggi e della bicicletta sempre più. Oggi posso definirmi "cicloviaggiatore", e assieme all'altra mia passione - il videomaking - non mi fermerei mai! Cyclo ergo sum, pedalo quindi sono, per cercare di capire perché andare in bici sia così bello, terapeutico, ricco... E ogni volta che provo a capirlo, non ce la faccio, e sono costretto a ripartire sui pedali!

ENG - I'm from Piedmont and I'm 33 years old, I have been living and working in Lombardy for a few years. After a start without any competence in this field, I then approached the bicycle world more and more. Today I can call myself a bicycle traveller and videomaker who would never ever stop. Cyclo ergo sum, I cycle therefore I am. I ride my bike trying to understand why it is so beautiful, rich, therapeutic. And every time I try, I do not understand it. So I must leave again...

Like every year, at the end of August we wanted to celebrate Vero's birthday on our mountain bikes, so we started thinking about a two-days-itinerary ...
By now using a GPS for bicycle, outdoor activities or trekking has become very important, let me say essential. We have been using it for 15 years now ...
As a traveler, I almost abandoned the use of old and dear geographic maps. Technology replaced them and thanks to our smartphone to navigate the inter ...
The Adda River Cycle Way or Greenway dell'Adda is a cycleway following the river (almost!) from its source, which is northern Valtellina, un ...
2016 was the year of walking paths, and usually, these trails are perfect for bicycle tourists too! Moreover, Italy is rich in suggestive pa ...
Nothing like the bicycle speaks about freedom and humanity: this incredible two-wheeler means of transportation allows to live sustainably, to explore ...
Lombardy is a region rich in valleys, peaks and large lakes where many outdoor activities and sports are played. Between its two lakes, one of which i ...
One of the GPS outdoor Apps I mostly use is Oruxmaps. It's a free, complete and updated App, really good for MTB excursions, outdoor trekking, for you ...
Lately, I've been experiencing a lot of curiosity about outdoor GPS Apps, in particular for Android OS. In general, what I like the most about these a ...
It is growing in popularity amongst pilgrims but lately also bicycle travellers, it connects Norcia, in Umbria, to Montecassino, in Laz ...
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