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Corno del Renon in bici con la neve
Escaper (1 day)
19 km
Route type
Ring tour
Elevation gain
850 m
Micro adventure
Gravel (mixed terrain)
Suggested bike
Adventure bikeMTB

Super panoramic winter tour of the Corno del Renon by bike. Today I'll take you to one of the most panoramic peaks in Alto Adige, pedaling on the snow of roads groomed by snowcats for ski mountaineers and walkers.

corno del renon neve leo gotico cima

Ascent from Pemmern to the Corno del Renon

We start just above Collalbo, already at 1500 m altitude. To avoid leaving your car in the paid parking lot of the Pemmern ski lifts, you can stop about a kilometre beforehand. 

The biting cold of the first pedal strokes is swept away by the initial ramps in the woods that quickly help us acclimatise by following a path that climbs in bursts.

corno del renon neve bosco

You soon leave the undergrowth to find the asphalt of via Tann and follow it for a couple of kilometres of climbing that help you take pace.

Towards the Adige Valley a blanket of clouds indicates the presence of the thermal inversion that is giving us a super day.

08 corno del renon neve pista gotico

A fork on the right makes us start pedaling on the snow along a forest road that at times becomes very steep. We gain altitude among the fir trees but soon the high-altitude pastures replace the vegetation and the gaze begins to wander westwards to the Gran Zebrù, the Ortles, the Presena and the Brenta.

Behind us Roen, Penegal and Paganella pierce the white sheet of clouds. We continue to climb crossing the track that passes by the Corno di Sotto before reaching the last tremendous ramp that leads to the foot of the antenna that dominates the peak.

corno del renon neve 360

Dolomite panoramas 

The freezing air reminds us that we are over 2200 m above sea level but we cannot help but stop and enjoy the panorama in front of us.

To the east, beyond the Isarco Valley, Latemar, Sciliar, Catinaccio, Sassolungo and Sassopiatto, Marmolada and Odle block the horizon together with dozens of other Dolomite peaks.

We are on the Corno del Renon, one of the most accessible and extraordinary panoramic balconies in the Alps.

corno del renon neve cima

corno del renon neve panorama

Lago Nero summit loop

In front of the Rittnerhorn refuge (2261 m) which is closed at this time of year, the descent begins and becomes immediately challenging.

A quick dive takes us back to Corno di Sotto after crossing a first slope. Be careful, give way and stay in the crossing areas.

Just beyond the two refreshment points that are present in this basin, a loop that leads to the Lago Nero summit begins, with still extraordinary views of the Dolomites. Initially, you climb with a short ramp and then take you to the summit refuge next to the artificial lake.

The loop descends again to the east and then climbs again to the Corno di Sotto location.

corno del renon neve panorama vette monte lago nero

corno del renon neve steccato

Final dive

A final fast crossing takes us to the gates of the final dive which begins on the same route taken on the way up. A little further on, however, we keep left alongside the ski slope and descend rapidly into the snow which is already starting to melt in the afternoon.

corno del renon neve schede

You reach the Pemmern station from where it is a moment, on asphalt, to return to the starting point.

A tour that can also be done in summer with possible variations to lengthen it a bit.

Last modified: 18 February 2025
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Viaggiatore lento con il pallino per la scrittura e la fotografia. Se non è in viaggio ama perdersi lungo i mille sentieri che solcano le splendide Dolomiti del suo Trentino, sia a piedi che in mountain bike. Eterno Peter Pan che ama realizzare i propri sogni senza lasciarli per troppo tempo nel cassetto, dopo un anno di Working holiday in Australia e dieci mesi in bici nel Sud est asiatico, ora sogna la panamericana... sempre in bici, s'intende!

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