Francesco G

Francesco G

ITA - Ho 33 anni e sono piemontese, anche se da qualche anno vivo e lavoro in Lombardia. Dopo un inizio da totale inesperto in questo campo, mi sono avvicinato al mondo dei cicloviaggi e della bicicletta sempre più. Oggi posso definirmi "cicloviaggiatore", e assieme all'altra mia passione - il videomaking - non mi fermerei mai! Cyclo ergo sum, pedalo quindi sono, per cercare di capire perché andare in bici sia così bello, terapeutico, ricco... E ogni volta che provo a capirlo, non ce la faccio, e sono costretto a ripartire sui pedali!

ENG - I'm from Piedmont and I'm 33 years old, I have been living and working in Lombardy for a few years. After a start without any competence in this field, I then approached the bicycle world more and more. Today I can call myself a bicycle traveller and videomaker who would never ever stop. Cyclo ergo sum, I cycle therefore I am. I ride my bike trying to understand why it is so beautiful, rich, therapeutic. And every time I try, I do not understand it. So I must leave again...

The Danube cycle path is the mother of all cycling paths, and after having cycled some Italian cycleways, this year we decided to face the track from& ...
Cycling Corsica, my first solo bicycle tour, was my graduation gift. I cannot deny that the planning was approximate since on Friday afternoon I ...
Cycling Iceland tour has been realized with Emanuele Battistelli in two weeks, from June 30 to July 14, including the flights. 12 legs plus one "spare ...
There are many types of front rack for bike, different in the hold they can carry, the bicycle they can be mounted on and mostly in the use you are go ...
The best photo apps for travelers in this article, remember, are just some of my favorite ones. My biggest passions, after my fam ...
At the foot of the Pale Mountains of Trentino there are many Dolomites cycling routes to discover. Under Dolomites of Brenta you find for ex ...
Picture: Chambord Castle from Shutterstock One of the most cycled itineraries in Europe follows a fairy river, among castles and artsy citi ...
One of the most interesting areas crossed during our long European bicycle journey called NPJ, No Plans Journey, is a great region of Romania, which r ...
Which are the best foldable solar panels for bicycle touring? In the XXI century, let whoever can do without technology during a bicycle trip thr ...
The Inn River Cycle Path is one of those routes for traveling by bike with your family, best friends or solo travelersThink about a pretty flat cyclin ...
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