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MetMo Pocket Driver

The crowdfunding of this object has already exceeded one million euros and promises to be an innovative mini heir to the ratchet multitool invented in 1871. Let's try to understand the reason for its success and why you might want one too.

MetMo Pocket Driver: simplicity and utility the keys to success

An object as simple as it is useful. This is the secret of the success kickstarter campaign of the multi-tool that the British company has designed. The pocket multitool is actually the legitimate successor of the MetMo Driver, a non-miniaturized ratchet multiple tool that had already had great success in previous years and that inserted innovative elements into a functional and practical idea rooted in past centuries.

metmo multitool original

On the wave of that success and with the feedback from users, the inventors of MetMo understood that there was a need to have a ductile and flexible tool like the one already produced, but which at the same time had the right characteristics to be transported without difficulty.

What is the MetMo Pocket Driver?

The MetMo Pocket Driver was born from the feedback received in the field, a compact and lightweight multitool, designed to be easily carried in a pocket or, for us cyclists, in a small bag hooked to the bike.

An Allen key, a screwdriver and a T-driver that guarantees you a firm grip and enormous strength compared to its size. However, MetMo's Pocket Driver is not only this, because the design is studied to make it also a pleasant object to admire and handle.

The ratchet system brings back to life an idea of Conrad Baumann from the 1920s, with modern materials and construction techniques. The mechanical part is left exposed and visible, explaining the simple and ingenious intuition of the German inventor.

What is the MetMo Pocket Driver for?

The Pocket works with any 1/4 inch hex bit and can hold 2 25 mm bits internally. 

Its flexible metal arm can be arranged in four different positions for as many different grips and with the quick release system it opens and closes in an instant.  Its small size makes it ideal for handling screws in hard-to-reach places such as between the spokes of a wheel or behind the derailleur.metmo size

The bits are anchored to the handle with a powerful and stable neodymium magnet while the rear housing allows you to carry the bits you use most often.

With a simple click you can reverse the direction from screwdriver to screwdriver.

Why MetMo Pocket Driver for Cyclists?

After what I've told you, however, you will ask yourself: yes, it's fine. It's great for general use, but aren't there specific multitools that are more suitable for us cyclists?

Maybe. Surely there are multi-tools with more specific functions (one above all the chain tool) but in the vast majority of cases these tools are designed to be cheap and for this reason they have several defects.

The handle can be uncomfortable or light, often made of plastic or inferior material. The pressure that can be exerted to screw and unscrew is not always sufficient and often the side by side wrenches are awkward to use without the possibility of being isolated from each other.change

The MetMo Pocket Driver, as I keep telling you, is a simple but functional object. It does a few things, but as far as the manufacturers guarantee, it does them very well. The construction of this tool is based on a hundred-year-old project and you know that once upon a time, unlike today, objects were made to last.

This portable multitool is also based on the same principle: the materials and construction processes are solid and durable. Plus, a design touch has been added that will make you want to brag to your friends about this instrument that you can keep with you for years and decades.

What does the crowdfunding campaign include and how do I get it?

The MetMo Pocket Driver is available in three different versions:

  • black anodized aerospace aluminum, this is the lightest in the series and probably the most suitable for us cycle travellers. The cost is £99 plus £20 for shipping in Italy. So in total around €138
  • black anodized aerospace aluminum with handle in a stainless steel for a more effective and indestructible grip. The cost is £132 plus £20 for shipping in Italy. So in total around €177
  • STAINLESS steel if you want something imperishable. The cost is £165 plus £20 for shipping in Italy. So in total around €215

metmo 3 originalAt the time of writing, there are still very few pieces of each type with a 10% discount, so if you want to take advantage of this opportunity, you have to hurry.

Furthermore, a case with a series of spare parts, a "bottle-opener tip" to never leave the beer closed and a leather multitool holder are available as extras.extra 2

To find out all the details about the MetMo Pocket Driver, finance the production and buy the multitool, all you have to do is access the Kickstarter campaign and select the product you prefer.



Last modified: 26 December 2024
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Viaggiatore lento con il pallino per la scrittura e la fotografia. Se non è in viaggio ama perdersi lungo i mille sentieri che solcano le splendide Dolomiti del suo Trentino, sia a piedi che in mountain bike. Eterno Peter Pan che ama realizzare i propri sogni senza lasciarli per troppo tempo nel cassetto, dopo un anno di Working holiday in Australia e dieci mesi in bici nel Sud est asiatico, ora sogna la panamericana... sempre in bici, s'intende!

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